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Social Media Calendar 2023 - Key Holiday Dates

2023 Social Media Calendar for key holiday dates UK

Are you looking to up your social media game in 2023? Look no further! Holidays are the perfect time to create engaging and memorable content for your followers. With a calendar filled with social media holidays, you'll never run out of ideas for posts that showcase your company culture, reinforce your brand voice, and build meaningful connections with your audience.

At Dalry Rose Digital Marketing Agency, we know the importance of having a solid social media strategy in place. That's why we've created the ultimate social media calendar for 2023, filled with all the important holidays and events to help you plan ahead and make the most of your social media presence.

A social media calendar is an essential tool for any digital marketer. It helps with proactive scheduling, planning, and posting, allowing you to manage multiple campaigns, keep track of deadlines, and review your content with ease.

Don't waste another minute trying to remember which holidays come when. Take control of your social media strategy and make the most of every opportunity with our 2023 social media calendar. Get ready to take your social media presence to the next level!

January Social Media Holidays:

Whole Month: Dry Jan / Veganuary

1st January: New Year’s Day

2nd January: Substitute Bank Holiday (New Year’s)

4th January: World Braille Day

5th January: National Bird Day

6th January: National Shortbread Day

8th January: Golden Globes

9th January: Clean Your Desk Day

10th January: Houseplant Appreciation Day

14th January: Dress Up Your Pet Day

16th January: Blue Monday

19rd January: Popcorn Day

21st January: Hugging Day

22nd January: Chinese New Year (Year Of The Rabbit)

25th January: Burns Night

26th January: Australia Day

27th January: Holocaust Memorial Day / Chocolate Cake Day

28th January: Data Privacy Day

30th January: Croissant Day

February Social Media Holidays:

Whole Month: LGBT History Month

1st February: Imbolc

2nd February: Time To Talk Day

4th February: World Cancer Day / Six Nations Begins

5th February: Nutella Day / Grammys

9th February: Cricket World Cup Begins

12th February: Super Bowl LVII

13th February: Galentine’s Day

14th February: Valentine’s Day

15th February: Singles Awareness Day

17th February: Random Acts Of Kindness Day

19th February: BAFTA Awards

20th February: Love Your Pet Day

21st February: St David’s Day / Shrove Tuesday

22nd February: Ash Wednesday

24th February: Bartender Day

28th February: Rare Disease Day

March Social Media Holidays:

Whole Month: Women’s History Month

1st March: St David’s Day

2nd March: World Book Day

3rd March: World Wildlife Day

7th March: Holi

8th March: International Women’s Day

9th March: School Meals Day

12th March: Oscars

15th March: World Consumer Rights Day

17th March: St Patrick’s Day / Red Nose Day

18th March: Recycling Day

19th March: Mother’s Day (UK)

20th March: First Day Of Spring / Day Of Happiness / Ostara

21st March: World Down Syndrome Day

22nd March: World Water Day / Ramadan Begins

23rd March: Puppy Day

25th March: Waffle Day

26th March: Purple Day (Epilepsy Awareness)

27th March: World Theatre Day

31st March: Transgender Day Of Visibility

April Social Media Holidays:

1st April: April Fool’s Day

2nd April: World Autism Awareness Day

6th April: US Masters Golf Begins

7th April: Good Friday

9th April: Easter Sunday

10th April: Easter Monday

11th April: National Pet Day

15th April: World Art Day / Grand National

21st April: World Creativity and Innovation Day / Eid al-Fitr

22nd April: Earth Day

23rd April: St George’s Day

25th April: Malaria Day

27th April: World Design Day

29th April: Dance Day

30th April: Jazz Day

May Social Media Holidays:

1st May: Early May Bank Holiday (UK) / Beltane

2nd May: World Asthma Day

4th May: Star Wars Day

5th May: Cinco de Mayo

8th May: World Red Cross Day / Bank Holiday (Coronation Of The King) UK

9th May: Eurovision Song Contest Begins

11th May: Eat What You Want Day

12th May: Nurses Day

13th May: World Cocktail Day

15th May: Vegetarian Week Starts

16th May: Love A Tree Day

17th May: Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

19th May: Endangered Species Day

20th May: World Bee Day

21st May: World Baking Day

22nd May: Chelsea Flower Show Begins

23rd May: World Turtle Day

25th May: Wine Day

28th May: Hunger Day

29th May: Spring Bank Holiday (UK)

30th May: Creativity Day

31st May: No Tobacco Day

June Social Media Holidays:

Whole Month: Pride Month

1st June: Day Of Parents

2nd June: Fish & Chips Day

3rd June: Cider Day

5th June: World Environment Day

7th June: Download Festival Begins

8th June: Best Friends Day

10th June: World Gin Day

14th June: Blood Donor Day

15th June: Beer Day

16th June: Special Olympics World Summer Games Begin

18th June: Father’s Day (UK)

19th June: Picnic Week Begins

20th June: World Refugee Day

21st June: Glastonbury Festival Begins / Summer Solstice

23rd June: National Writing Day

24th June: Armed Forces Day

28th June: Eid al-Adha Begins

30th June: Social Media Day

July Social Media Holidays:

1st July: Tour de France Begins

2nd July: UFO Day

3rd July: Wimbledon Begins

4th July: American Independence Day

7th July: Chocolate Day / British Grand Prix Begins

12th July: Simplicity Day

14th July: Bastille Day

15th July: Give Something Away Day

16th July: Ice Cream Day

17th July: World Emoji Day

18th July: Nelson Mandela International Day

19th July: Hot Dog Day

20th July: FIFA Women’s World Cup Begins

24th July: Tequila Day

28th July: Hepatitis Day

30th July: Day Of Friendship

31st July: Avocado Day

August Social Media Holidays:

1st August: Girlfriend Day / Lammas

3rd August: Cycle To Work Day

8th August: Cat Day

9th August: Book Lovers Day

10th August: World Lion Day

11th August: Son & Daughter Day

12th August: World Photography Week Begins

13th August: Left Handers Day

16th August: Rum Day

17th August: Non-Profit Day

19th August: World Photography Day

20th August: FIFA Women’s World Cup Final

21st August: World Entrepreneurs Day

25th August: Reading Festival Begins

26th August: Notting Hill Carnival Begins

28th August: Summer Bank Holiday (UK)

September Social Media Holidays:

Whole Month: Back To School

1st September: Tofu Day

2nd September: Beard Day

4th September: Sexual Health Day

5th September: Day Of Charity

6th September: Read A Book Day

7th September: Salami Day

8th September: Literacy Day

9th September: Invictus Games Begin

10th September: Suicide Prevention Day

12th September: Video Games Day

13th September: Roald Dahl Day

15th September: Online Learning Day

16th September: Oktoberfest Begins

17th September: Patient Safety Day

18th September: Equal Pay Day

19th September: Talk Like A Pirate Day

20th September: Pepperoni Pizza Day

21st September: Day Of Peace

22nd September: Car Free Day

23rd September: First Day Of Autumn

24th September: World Rivers Day

26th September: European Day Of Languages

27th September: World Tourism Day

28th September: World Rabies Day

29th September: World Heart Day

30th September: Podcast Day

October Social Media Holidays:

Whole Month: Black History Month (UK) / Breast Cancer Awareness Month / Stoptober

1st October: Vegetarian Day

2nd October: Habitat Day

3rd October: Techies Day

4th October: Animal Day

5th October: Teachers’ Day

6th October: Smile Day

8th October: Octopus Day

10th October: World Mental Health Day

12th October: Sight Day

13th October: Egg Day

15th October: Handwashing Day

16th October: Food Day

19th October: Gin & Tonic Day

20th October: Chefs’ Day

21st October: Back To The Future Day

24th October: United Nations Day

25th October: Pasta Day

29th October: Clocks Go Back

30th October: Checklist Day

31st October: Halloween / Samhain

November Social Media Holidays:

Whole Month: Movember

1st November: World Vegan Day

3rd November: Sandwich Day

4th November: Roast Dinner Day

5th November: Bonfire Night

8th November: Cappuccino Day

9th November: Usability Day

11th November: Remembrance Day

12th November: Remembrance Sunday / Diwali

13th November: Kindness Day

14th November: Diabetes Day

15th November: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

16th November: Day Of Tolerance

17th November: Students’ Day

19th November: International Men’s Day

20th November: World Children’s Day

21st November: Television Day

23rd November: Thanksgiving (US)

24th November: Black Friday

27th November: Cyber Monday

30th November: Computer Security Day

December Social Media Calendar:

1st December: World AIDS Day

2nd December: Small Business Saturday

3rd December: Day Of Persons With Disabilities

4th December: National Sock Day

5th December: Volunteer Day

6th December: St Nicholas Day

7th December: Hanukkah Begins

8th December: Christmas Jumper Day

9th December: Christmas Card Day

10th December: Animal & Human Rights Day

11th December: Mountain Day

14th December: Free Shipping Day

21st December: First Day Of Winter

22nd December: Yule / Winter Solstice

24th December: Christmas Eve

25th December: Christmas Day

26th December: Boxing Day

31st December: New Year’s Eve

Bookmark this page and use this to plan your social media content in advance!

Dalry Rose Digital are a small but mighty collective of creative visionaries, digital maestros, client concierges who create brilliant work and operate on building organic brand trust and encouraging your audience to fall in love with your products and services which are the solutions to their needs - contact us if you would like to work together on helping increase your brand reach online!


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