Does Weather Affect Social Media Engagement?

Does weather affect social media marketing engagement and results? Something we seem to overlook when striving for great results in our social media marketing campaigns are the most basic of circumstance like weather, holidays, and worldwide events. The question is WHY as we are talking to really human beings on social media so surely we need to take into consideration human behaviour patters.
Summertime is always busy with client campaigns, however for a couple of weeks I was checking up on social media campaign results and the stats were dropping. I wondered why as we're working on much tighter brand guidelines, solid campaigns, our best practices are on point... I logged into my own Instagram account to check up on my stats and the realisation hit me: as a consumer, I haven't been on social media for the whole week. And a little voice in my head went "Of course you haven't - summer has arrived and the temperatures in the UK hit over 15c which means it's time for the BEACH and BBQ's and PIMMS O'CLOCK!" If I felt like this as someone who genuinely loves being on social media, how many other consumers and people who are indifferent to social media feel the same? So I did some research - firstly to prove myself right, and secondly to put my clients mind at ease that I didn't suddenly turn stupid overnight.
Does Weather Affect Social Media Engagement?
Bad weather always increases interaction on social media, regardless of whether this is in the middle of winter when we're all curled up with a cup of hot chocolate looking at log cabin inspiration on Pinterest; or if it's a miserable summer day when we're on Instagram looking for holiday inspiration
On average, when the weather is miserable social media engagement rates go up by a staggering 42%!
Reaction to social media posts double during a miserable SUMMER day, and interaction increases by...90%!
But even in seasons like autumn and winter if you get a wet and rainy day your social media posts will get 37% more engagement
So my theory about weather affecting our social media channels WAS right. Consumers react to posts and become more engaged when the weather is bad, and we don't want to leave the house. But if the sun is shining and we're having a glorious summer or a sunny snowy day, as consumers we're more likely to spend time enjoying the weather with our families and friends. In the summer hit up the beach and have multiple picnics to soak up that vitamin D; and in the snow take the opportunity to become a child again and build a snowman! What could be more wonderful than embracing the seasons?
But what does this means for social media marketing?
This means that first of all, we have to accept that weather will affect our marketing efforts. If you know there's a heatwave coming your way, take the opportunity to:
Write content in bulk
Schedule posts
Do your admin
Get on top of your finance matters
Network online
PLAN AHEAD whilst you're quiet
When it comes to putting out content, save your best efforts until you know your audience is coming back to the platforms you're promoting your business on. AND REMEMBER: if the weather is bad, the best performing posts on social media are ones with positive words, graphics, and imagery.
I have taken this research to my clients and we all agreed that of course weather will have an impact on digital and social media marketing. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject - feel free to drop your opinions in the comments!