4 Tips To Help You Grow Your Email List

What would you do if tomorrow you woke up to realise that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest were all gone? How would you talk to your audience, customers, or clients without social media marketing? There are a numbers of ways to ensure you don't put all of your marketing eggs in one basket but today I would like to focus on giving you 4 tips to help you grow your email list.
Everyone wants to get our email addresses and grow their email list - from stores you often or randomly shop at, to local businesses, and directories. There's a good reason for it - emails are very valuable because the people who opt in to be on your mailing list are interested in what you have to offer and are listening to you. They're engaged and waiting for the next piece of advice or news your marketing newsletter will give them - and this advice is free! So instead of shouting loudly on social media, you are simply talking and brining value to the audience who already trust and are intrigued by you and your service.
I share my top 4 tips to help you grow your email list from experience!
1. Make Sure You Have A Sign Up Form On Your Website Which Brings Value
You'll more than likely already have a sign up form on your website to allow your visitors to sign up - but most of us consumers already know this is used for email marketing. We're getting savvy! So to encourage more sign ups make sure you are offering your visitors an incentive like a free download, a discount on your product, or an offer on your service. Since I set up my email sign up form to offer a free 30 day Instagram content cheat sheet, I have had a significant amount of sign ups! It's also a good idea to have a pop up sign up form on your website with the same offer - or a graphic on your homepage - as sometimes your visitors won't scroll all the way to the footer to find it.
2. Share Your Sign Up Form On Social Media
Think back to our analogy of social media fallen trees - if a tree falls in the middle of the forest but no one is there to see or hear it, did it ever fall? If you've gone through all the effort of setting up an email list with a valuable freebie for your audience, make sure people know about it! Use social media to help you get more sign ups and grow your email list.
3. Create Your Newsletter Sequence & Add Value With Content